Code-fi to Chill your Mood

Code-fi to Chill your Mood

What is Lo-fi Music?

Lo-fi (aka low-fi; short for low fidelity) is a music or production quality in which elements usually regarded as imperfections of performance are audible, sometimes as a deliberate aesthetic choice. The standards of sound quality (fidelity) and music production have evolved throughout the decades, meaning that some older examples of lo-fi may not have been originally recognized as such.

Lo-fi and Coding

Lo-Fi mixes are often used as relaxing ambient music that can be left open on the side while you work on a project, or played in the background at the end of a long day to recharge.

What reason for listening to Lo-fi?

Coding can become your best friend but sometimes while solving questions, you get frustrated when you don't get the optimized algorithm to solve the question and at that place, Lo-fi helps to get calm and enjoy the process.

Lo-fi isn't only for Coding but for every mood.

Some are: Hustle Lo-fi Coding Lo-fi Study or Focus on Lo-fi Sad Mood Lo-fi 3 am Lo-fi Happy Lo-fi Chill beat Lo-fi


Some best Lo-fi Music for Coding: Spotify Playlist

YouTube: Code-fi 3 am

Personal Favourite

For more Genre: Try searching on YouTube for eg: Sad mood lo-fi, coding lo-fi, sleep lo-fi, frustrated lo-fi.